Topic: Leadership Styles
Activity: Video Clippings/ Reflection Exercises
Key learning: The school leaders will be able to -reflect on the strengths and shortfalls of their own leadership style and its impact on their school environment
Topic: Collaborative Management and Team Building
Activity: Group Activities, Presentation and Discussions Sharing of success stories
Key learning: The school leaders will be able to collaborate and form teams for the assigned work Identify and list jobs in the school which can be performed effectively in the teams.
Topic: Conflict Management/ Decision Making
Activity: Case Analysis, Role Play, Group work, Presentation and Discussions
Key learning: The school leaders will analyze various cases of conflict in their professional life and provide various solutions and decisions
Topic: Opportunities and Challenges for CBSE Schools
Key learning: The school leaders will be able to identify the issues and challenges related to CBSE Schools
Activity: Presentation & Discussion
Topic: Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act
Activity: Discussion, Role Play
Key learning: The school leaders will be sensitized to the emerging challenges in the Implementation to RTE and their Responsibilities towards this end.
Topic: School Based Assessment, Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment
Activity: Sharing of Experience, Problems, Discussion
Key learning: The School Leaders will be able to learn micro-skills of evaluation
Topic: Implementing Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation-Challenges
Activity: Group Presentations and Discussions
Key learning: The school leaders shall be able to solve problems being faced in implementation of CCE
Topic: Vision Building/Goal Setting
Activity: Discussion and Debate Group work and presentations
Key learning: The school leaders will be able to -outline their vision for their school -Set achievable Goals for their schools, students and teachers-Chart pathways to achieve those goals
Topic: Time Management and Planning
Activity: Preparation of Yearly, Monthly; Day to day and hourly plans
Key learning: The school leaders will be able to prepare plans for effective time management in their professional life for the students and teachers both for scholastic and co-scholastic activities.
Topic: Accreditation and Quality Enhancement of Schools
Activity: Presentation on Accreditation rules and Parameters of Quality in educational institutions
Key learning: The School leaders will be able to Prepare Quality Enhancement plan for their schools
Topic: Financial Management with reference to Budget and Accountancy, Use of IT in Record Keeping and Documenting
Activity: Preparation and Presentation of Budget for School, Discussion, Group Activity
Key learning: School leaders will be able to prepare an effective school budget. They shall be able to use ICT for record keeping, documenting and other office procedures..
Change Management/Managing Change Various Reforms initiated by CBSE
Activity: Presentation & Discussion
Key learning: The school leaders will be able to understand reforms initiated by CBSE, Changes in the school education and administration due to these reforms and managing those changes
Topic: Action Research
Activity: After introduction of Concept, Prepare action research projects on identified school problems
Key learning: School leaders will be able to solve school problems in a scientific and systematic way using action research methodology.