ESLMP Program

Principal's effectiveness is vital and central to improving learning outcomes of its students. The Principal defines the very character, ethos and standing of the school. Principal must possess a very fine blend of transactional and transformational leadership attributes to be able to effectively lead schools in 21st Century. They must be equipped with skills, attitudes and values to meet challenges of 21st Century learners and schools. The delegates opined that the only way to improve school education in the country was to empower principals."

Aspiring Principals must obtain essential qualifications, in addition to their professional degrees in education before they are considered for the position of principal.

Ideally, a two years post graduate qualification in Educational Management and Leadership (EML) be considered essential for teachers aspiring to become principals in secondary and senior secondary schools. The program must focus on four major areas of school management and leadership, viz. Personal Effectiveness, Instructional Leadership, Institutional Management and Strategic Leadership.

A scaled down program for Head Teachers in elementary schools with 10 or less teachers, be considered as essential qualification for aspiring teachers. For In-service principals, short certificate program awarded by only recognized universities be considered sufficient. Such principals may acquire the skills and qualification within 5 years from now. In addition, to upgrade and update with the policy shifts and best practices in school management and leadership perspectives, a professional development program, of at least 10 days duration every year, be made mandatory for in-service principals. .